Patient Advocate Profile

Learn More About this Valuable Professional

Cynthia Collins

How I Can Help
I assist patients with research regarding their options for their medical conditions. I serve as support for family members of patients.

Formal Education
Governor State University, Interdisciplinary Studies, Bachelor of Arts

Why I Became a Professional Healthcare Advocate
My mother was admitted in the hospital in 2011 for colon cancer. During her stay, my aunt was admitted several times for diabetes. My sister and I served as consistent support for my mother, whereas my aunt had virtually no outside help.

There was a noticeable contrast in the treatment for these two women. My mother received better treatment from the staff and the doctors acted on suggestions from research we provided. My aunt (who was hard of hearing) suffered with a hip fracture for three weeks because no one would investigate the cause of her pain. The hearing loss left her confused about her care and I believe it was pride that stopped her from asking others to repeat themselves.

My mother was a registered nurse and patient support was her passion after her retirement. I started volunteering as a "volunteer temporary guardian" in honor of her devotion to helping others, after her death.

Professional Organizations and Affiliations
CCRN (Critical Care Nursing) 1978-2009
Membership: The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates

Contact Advocate

To contact this advocate call (708) 407-1406 or simply fill out the form below

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    Disclaimer: GCA is not a provider of advocacy services or legal services. The advocates listed in the GCA directory are not employees or agents of GCA.  GCA does not control any aspect of any service provided by any of these advocates.  The advocates listed in the GCA directory are not paid by GCA and none of the advocates has paid anything to GCA to be listed in the directory.  GCA merely compiled information about these advocates and received permission from each advocate to be listed in the directory.

    The GCA website is intended to be a source for information about patient advocacy and those who provide advocacy services. While GCA strives to provide users with accurate credentials for the service providers featured on the website, GCA does not endorse or warrant the competence of any advocates listed on the site.  The information on this website is not, nor is it intended to be, medical or legal advice. The information on this website is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or in any way replace medical advice from your physician.  Use of the GCA website indicates your understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Privacy: In accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended (HIPAA), Greater Chicago Advocates is not a covered entity. To protect yourself from disclosure of protected health information (PHI), please refrain from sending any sensitive health related information via email.

Disclaimer: GCA is not a provider of advocacy services or legal services. The advocates listed in the GCA directory are not employees or agents of GCA.  GCA does not control any aspect of any service provided by any of these advocates.  The advocates listed in the GCA directory are not paid by GCA and none of the advocates has paid anything to GCA to be listed in the directory.  GCA merely compiled information about these advocates and received permission from each advocate to be listed in the directory.

The GCA website is intended to be a source for information about patient advocacy and those who provide advocacy services. While GCA strives to provide users with accurate credentials for the service providers featured on the website, GCA does not endorse or warrant the competence of any advocates listed on the site.  The information on this website is not, nor is it intended to be, medical or legal advice. The information on this website is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or in any way replace medical advice from your physician.  Use of the GCA website indicates your understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions.


Greater Chicago Advocates
120 W. Madison Suite 1403
Chicago, IL 60602
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