We are proud to announce that Greater Chicago Advocates has offically become part of Greater National Advocates – a public service organization determined to spread the word about Independent Patient Advocacy and make it available to everyone at GNANOW.ORG.
About Greater Chicago Advocates
Welcome to Greater Chicago Advocates. We know the importance of having someone in your corner during a healthcare crisis. This trusted online portal allows patients and their loved ones to quickly and confidently connect with a knowledgeable Patient Advocate. We have experience dealing with hospitals, insurance companies, doctors and nursing homes. Our goal is to help you and your loved ones cut through the red tape and find peace of mind.
Welcome to Greater Chicago Advocates
We know the importance of having someone in your corner during a healthcare crisis. This trusted online portal allows patients and their loved ones to quickly and confidently connect with a knowledgeable Patient Advocate. We have experience dealing with hospitals, insurance companies, doctors and nursing homes. Our goal is to help you and your loved ones cut through the red tape and find peace of mind.

What is a “Patient Advocate”?
An experienced professional who can help guide you through the challenges of today’s healthcare system. An example of when you might need a Patient Advocate is when you have a new or serious diagnosis and don’t know where to turn.
What is a “Patient Advocate”?
An experienced professional who can help guide you through the challenges of today’s healthcare system. An example of when you might need a Patient Advocate is when you have a new or serious diagnosis and don’t know where to turn.

When a healthcare crisis strikes,
having a reliable advocate in your corner is essential.
Our Advocates Help Empower Patients and Their Loved Ones To:
• Better Understand Medical Conditions and Treatment Options
• Demand and Receive Proper Medical Care
• Effectively Communicate With Doctors and Hospitals
• Learn About Prescribed Medication and Proper Dosages
• Receive Appropriate Counseling for Patients and Family Members
• Analyze and Consolidate Financial Liabilities Related to Healthcare
• Identify the Right Facilities and Plan of Action for the Elderly or Infirmed
Our Advocates Help Empower Patients and Their Loved Ones To:
• Better Understand Medical Conditions and Treatment Options
• Demand and Receive Proper Medical Care
• Effectively Communicate With Doctors and Hospitals
• Learn About Prescribed Medication and Proper Dosages
• Receive Appropriate Counseling for Patients and Family Members
• Analyze and Consolidate Financial Liabilities Related to Healthcare
• Identify the Right Facilities and Plan of Action for the Elderly or Infirmed

Quick Access to Qualified Patient Advocates You Can Depend On
Our network is comprised of many different specialists. From nurses and physicians to social workers and insurance professionals, we cover a lot of bases.
Many in our network have experience with Medicare and Medicaid as well as individual and employee healthcare plans under the Affordable Care Act. We also include an increasing number of “Professional Healthcare Advocates” who received formal education and training to work as patient advocates.
Patient Rights
Know Your Rights
Every patient is entitled to the best medical care. If you are concerned that something has gone wrong or may go wrong, an advocate can provide you with options to improve your care and help coordinate a change of doctors or a move to a different medical or nursing facility.
Patient Rights
Know Your Rights
Every patient is entitled to the best medical care. If you are concerned that something has gone wrong or may go wrong, an advocate can provide you with options to improve your care and help coordinate a change of doctors or a move to a different medical or nursing facility.

Transparency and Honest Disclosure
The Professional Healthcare Advocate is committed to integrity and total transparency in the conduct of his/her practices.
Objective: To aid the client in fully understanding the role of the Professional Healthcare Advocate
Standard: Transparency
Protect Confidentiality and Privacy
The Professional Healthcare Advocate is committed to maintaining the client’s right to privacy.
Objective: To respect the client’s right to privacy and protect client’s personal and protected health information.
Standard: Confidentiality
Fostering Autonomy
The PHA will (1) respect and empower the consumer’s client’s right to exercise informed decisions in his/her healthcare; and (2) ensure that the consumer’s wishes are the guiding force behind decisions on medical care, even if differing from family.
Objective: To empower the client to exercise meaningful, informed consent regarding his/her healthcare decisions.
Standard: Empowerment
Provision of Competent Services
The Professional Healthcare Advocate will practice at all times within his/her area of competency and seek to enhance his/her professional expertise.
Objective: To ensure clients have received credible information in order to make truly informed decisions.
Standard: Competence
Maintenance of Professional Boundaries
The Professional Healthcare Advocate will at all times work within professional boundaries and will refrain from any behavior that violates or appears to violate those boundaries.
Objective: To clarify the scope and limits of the PHA’s role with the intent to avoid inappropriate interactions or conflicts of interest.
Standard: Professionalism and Role Boundaries
Avoidance of Discriminatory Practices
The Professional Healthcare Advocate promotes autonomy and dignity of individuals and acts to prevent discriminatory healthcare practices.
Objective: To avoid discriminatory practices while providing culturally sensitive advocacy services.
Standard: Cultural Awareness and Discrimination Avoidance
Continued Learning
The Professional Healthcare Advocate is committed to continue learning to hone professional skills and maintain knowledge of current conditions and
Standard: A rapidly changing healthcare environment.
Objective: To attain and maintain the highest level of competence and service involving Healthcare Advocacy.
Our Dedicated Advocates
will go to great lengths to provide you and your loved ones with the best support possible.
Our Dedicated Advocates
will go to great lengths to provide you and your loved ones with the best support possible.

Membership Inquiry
Seeking Advocates Nationwide
Take the first step toward joining our professional network by completing and submitting the form below. We are actively seeking qualified and motivated Patient Advocates covering a wide range of disciplines and specialties.
Upon receipt of your submission, a member of our organization will get back to you with additional information and updates. We appreciate your interest and look forward to the prospect of having you on board.